Dr. Narayan DuttShrimaliJi”
When we contemplate on his philosophy of organizing Sadhana Shivirs all over India to educate the people on the ancient practices enunciated in Holy Scriptures we get dumbfounded. No personality in this world ever dared to teach us the secret spiritual practices before Sadgurudev’s incarnation on this earth. In Brahma VaivartaPurana Sri Vyas indicated that Shri Nikhileshwaranandji is an Avatar of Lord saying thus
Our Beloved Sadgurudevis a great yogi, karmic sage and possesses such miraculous powers that he is capable of transforming the life of any person who comes to him to seek his blessings. He has a very strong aura around him that attracts everyone towards him and mesmerizes them. He has a magnetic persona, an unnerving smile on his face, which brings a feeling of great joy and completeness to those who come in his contact.
He authored near about 200 books on various subjects like Astrology, Tantra, Sadhana, Mantra, Palmistry, Hypnotism, Kundalini, Numerology etc. He touched each and every aspect of spiritualism, astrology and mystic science.
Sadgurudev, My Beloved Father lit a lamp in the darkness that is illuminating this world even today. He tried to illuminate and spread light of knowledge at such places where only darkness existed in the past. Guided by the torch of this light we can reach and achieve our real goal, we can be reintroduced to our rich hidden literature and the teachings of our ancient Rishis and Yogis.
It was My Beloved Father’s dream to resurrect the lost and extinct knowledge and culture, to revive faith in the science of Mantra and Tantra and to keep them safe for the future generations to come. I have continuous support from all the disciples, followers and believers of Sadgurudev “Dr. Narayan DuttShrimaliJi”. All the disciples and followers have taken the vow to help me in this venture. This makes me full of confidence.
I have been working day and night on his principles, teachings, knowledge and under his guidance, I am bound to help everyone and give directions to their lives.
It has been my sincere effort to develop strong inner soul of all my disciples so as to make them capable of fighting and protecting themselves from the negative energies. This would not allow anyone to harm them in any manner. I want my disciples to be strong enough to stand against each and every problem of life, may it be related to employment, life, finance, society, spirituality, or anything and emerge out of it as a winner. To achieve this goal, I started monthly magazine “Pracheen Mantra Yantra Vigyan” with the blessings of My Beloved Father which contains very rare, ancient and wonderful sadhanas that were hidden till now and were redesigned by him by practicing which one can attain success in the desired field of life.
I bless you sincerely deep from my heart that your soul becomes so strong that you will be able to fight all the difficulties in your life and will not be scared of any one in your life.
We therefore offer loving prostration to Our Reverent Beloved Holy Master Sadgurudev Shri Nikhileshwaranandji, who time and again in so many ways tries to awaken us to the awareness of Supreme Being and develop that we try to live in.
Kailash Chandra Shrimali
True meaning of knowledge
The incident goes back to the time when Sadgurudev returned to family life having pledged in his Sanyaas life to spread the enlightenment of true knowledge in this world. When directed by the Divine he had left home for an ascetic existence. He had nothing more than a Dhoti Kurta and a piece of cloth on his person. In a bag he carried a spare Dhoti-Kurta. Other than these he had no other possessions. The path he had to take or the goal too was not certain. All he had was a confidence and divine inspiration. This was the only treasure he had and he had to move forward in life on their very basis.
When having spent a few years as an ascetic here returned to His village and relatives gathered to receive him. All welcomed him with joy. But everyone wanted to know what he had gained? They wanted to see some miracle perhaps. Hearing their wishes, He said - I too wish to show you what I have.
Sadgurudev was seated in the midst of a gathering and he spread forward his hand and said - When I left this village I had this with me.
He opened his palm to reveal a pebble. He said, ‘this is what I carried with me to my life as an ascetic. What I have gained is in my other hand’.
Everyone present became eager to know what he held in his other hand. But when he opened his other palm all were dismayed and surprised to find it empty. All were expecting to see something wonderful but their expectation was shattered.
Sadgurudev said - I have lost all I had. I am completely empty now. Hence now I can do something really creative in life. I did not become an ascetic to learn some miracle or magic. I could have learnt this here itself. I had chosen the life of Sanyaas to learn Ashtang Yog, Yama, Niyam, Aahaar, Pratyahaar, Dharanna, Dhyan and Samadhi. I need not carry about pebbles now. Because I am not interested in the pebbles that the world has to offer I am totally free now.
I need not even carry books for knowledge. True knowledge originates from within. True fragrance emanates from within. True joy comes from inside. And all this cannot be had till we keep carrying around pebble that this world offers us. Just living on in this world will not produce enlightenment. For this one has to become empty. One has to lose all that one has - false knowledge, ego, pride, only then can divinity arise. Then the whole world shall stare at you for then everyone around shall experience it. Then the people shall be able to see something more than a mere body of flesh and bones. That divinity is called consciousness or true knowledge. It cannot be held in the fist for divinity is omnipresent. It is there in every particle of nature and it can be seen and experienced by everyone.
Dukheishcha Sarve Kalidharmpreetah